Our Recommended Partners for Entertainment Center
A successful laser tag attraction starts with your centre design, and a consideration for your market opportunities, along with a strategic focus on long term play-ability and repeat appeal, by creating synergies, with your themeing, software and attractions that maximizes your customer’s experiences, and helps to diversify and expand your market opportunities.
Check out all the components that go into an entertainment facility here, or keep reading to see all our recommended partners with direct ties to the Zone Group for each element of the facility!
Entertainment centers around the world are competing with in-home entertainment options and need to provide memorable experiences that get people off the couch and into their venue.
Key Features that make HOLOGATE Ideal for your FEC
- High Throughput
- Drawcard attraction
- Easy to use
- Repeat play, from wide content database
- Turn key service
How does Hologate work with Zone?
Zone is a trusted partner of Hologate, with Zone manufacturing the systems, as well as provides support, sales and installation for HOLOGATE, with a focus on the APAC region. But can provide assistance and guidance worldwide.
A totally unique adventure to your customers
Instead of the traditional solved-and-done aspect of an escape room, challenge rooms are not really an “escape game”. In many challenge rooms, the challenge is perfectly clear but still requires skills and training to manage and will trigger guests to return (like bowling, go-kart, and laser tag). Also, all rooms or cells, with riddles or brain puzzles are constructed to give the guest a new challenge each time as the clues and skill patterns are randomized.
Key Features that make Prison Island Ideal for your FEC
- A completely unique concept
- Drawcard attraction
- Region Exclusivity
- High retention rate
- Turn Key
- Wide customer appeal
How does Prison Island work with Zone?
Zone is the distributor of Prison Island, for the APAC region, with Zone providing local support, sales and installation for Prison Island, with a focus on the APAC region. But can provide assistance and guidance worldwide.
Atmospheric escape rooms
In the last couple of years escape rooms have exploded in popularity, and that growth doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. They are great add-on attractions for a lot of reasons. First, and most important, is the experience. The purpose of any entertainment facility is to provide amazing experiences to guest. That’s where mystery lab exceeds their expectations by providing dynamic storylines to captivate and delight the audience
Key Features that make Mystery Labs Escape Rooms Ideal for your FEC
- Tried and Tested rooms
- Drawcard attraction
- Turn Key Installations
- Automatic controls
How does Mystery Labs work with Zone?
Zone is Mystery Labs exclusive distribution partner, with both teams working hand in hand to provide support, sales and installation for the Mystery Lab Rooms.
Venue Management
Sell tickets, with time control, venue management and more, all on the same platform that you run your POS, kitchen and membership programs.
Your online booking presence, is generally one of the first interactions your customers will have with your centre, so making this smooth, good-looking and ease to use. Lets you get your best foot forward to your guests, before they even step in your doors.
Key Features that make Roller Ideal for your FEC
- Real-time venue capacity management
- Multi venue management
- CRM (marketing portal)
- Re-occurring memberships
- RFID Venue management
- Online bookings
- Guest Waiver
- Self Service Checkout
How does Roller work with Zone?
Automatic integration to Zone’s membership system, to transfer data seamlessly between. Allowing your customers to get the best of both worlds!
By linking your Roller Membership to Zone’s cards, this allows your guests to use it both to checkin with your POS system, and activate their Laser Tag vests.
Venue Design
Make your arena come alive with light
Amazing image quality and fluorescence:
We can print any digital image up to 300 DPI and offer an ever growing selection of themes, as well as full custom design solutions.
Durable, certified fire resistant material:
Design is imprinted into washable fabric polyester that can’t be scratched or worn off.
Fast and easy application:
Goes on like wallpaper with no paint fumes.
Half the price (or more) of a professional blacklight artist.
No minimum purchase:
You can renovate within your budget, one wall at a time, without interrupting business
How does Black Light Unity work with Zone?
Zone and black light unity have designed themes, ideal for our laser tag products that can be quickly customized to any arena layout designed by Zone!
With further partnership, with Apparel, Sticker and UV inflatable design on top, Black light are an ideal solution for your arena design.