Interactive Arena Features

Players want to be immersed in the laser tag game and have a memorable experience through the extensive use of its arena features. By using Zone’s arena features, you bring the game alive, with the arena itself joining the game. 

Zone’s Base arena features options

Zone’s bases are more than just blinking targets for regular team games. They mean profits and exciting options for corporate and group events. Team games can account for almost two-thirds of your laser tag game sales. Zone’s bases can offer a strategic element of defence and extra points for players to score. Zone’s bases are fully programmable with our Helios software, providing several additional options and game formats..

Most of Zone’s laser tag locations place three bases in their interactive arena to allow for exciting multi-team play! This is far more exciting for your customers than the more traditional two-team skirmishes. Excited customers mean more repeat play and more money for you!

Vid Base

Video Outpost

Zone’s Video Outpost is the king of our base range. It makes a great focal point for the interactive arena, with high definition graphics, videos and dynamic reactive audio.

Video Outposts also have the ability to play mini-games with your guests. They also work as a reload energizer, have customised videos for game formats, helpful hints and more. The Video Outpost is truly a living arena features device.

Your customers will love the Video Outpost. Not just for its impressive array of features, but also because of how intuitive it is to use. Your players can play; 3 cup monty, spin a wheel, or have a shootout with the bases interactive video!

The player can win power-ups, points, or other effects from successfully beating Rodney in his games. These settings are very configurable and available in most games

Spin a wheel – This game will give players a chance to earn a prize by tagging the base

Quick draw – This game will allow players to compete against Rodney the Robot in a game of reflexes. Tag the base before he can tag you!

3 cup monty – This game will allow players to try and guess the cup that the ball is under, by tagging the corresponding sensor of the base.

Laser Tag Arena Features - Zone Outpost

Zone Outpost

Outposts are multifunctional devices, enabling a multitude of exciting game formats. They are essential for competitive or strategic style games.

Outposts have brilliant colours matching each team’s colour and clear sound effects and DMX output to control add-on effects. It’s rare to see a Zone site without one.

Laser Tag Arena Features - Zone Garrison

Zone Garrison

Zone Garrisons Bases are compact and easy to install. They have loud, clear speakers and great hit fields. They’re perfect for when you need a team base to attack and defend.

These are wireless and do not have a cable run to them in the arena. Just add power, and you are ready to go. Garrisons are best suited for smaller Zone laser tag installations like Phasor Strike and Helios2.

Team Base – This base will flash the colour of a team, who must protect it. Opponents must try and tag this base to destroy it. Members of the same colour cannot tag the base.

Solo Base – This base will flash rainbow and can be tagged by anyone.

Scoreboard (Video Base ONLY)- Displaying a vibrant real-time scoreboard in your game requires no further hardware. Your Interactive Video Outpost will keep your players in the loop the whole game.

Comp Team Base – Similar to a Team Base, this setting is specifically for the competition format and has a lot of specific parameters to customize it.

Comp Solo Base – Similar to a Solo Base, this setting is specifically for the competition format and has a lot of specific parameters to customize it.

Team Energizer – This base will flash the colour of a team, and will energize that team’s players – restoring their health or power.

Solo Energizer– This base will flash rainbow, and will energize any players – restoring their health or power.

Team games using bases, on average, make up two-thirds of a site's revenue

Arena Features Game Stations

Game Station

Game Stations instantly recognise and respond to any player in their vicinity. They bring standard laser games alive with fun and excitement and add custom options and formats.

Game Stations are special, interactive, wall-mounted, touch screen devices incorporated into the game architecture. Their backlit, CNC milled, perspex finish is bright and beautiful, creating player hotspots.  

  • Power-ups – Players swipe for Stealth, Invulnerability, Rapid Fire, Team Destroyer, etc.
  • Secret Agent – Players change team colour for a short period of time.
  • Assassins – Players take missions to tag specific players for bonus points and more.
  • Birthday – Only the birthday player has access and can obtain a variety of special powers.
  • Scoreboard – In-game scoreboard.
  • Quiz Zone – players answer customisable questions to score points and receive powers.
Birthday mode

Game Stations, add a unique interactive arena experience to your games

Zone Targets Arena Features


Arena Targets are small, multi-coloured, super bright LED devices integrated into the laser game operating system. Targets don’t just provide one extra game; they are a multi-function game enhancement that can be applied to nearly all Helios games in many different ways. 

Targets are incredibly cost-effective, allowing you to deploy 60 or more for a fraction of the cost of most entertainment centre features.

Integration and customisability allow for almost endless laser game formats. Use them in standard games for points or special powers; hype up limited power or health games by setting them to reload and re-energise; or enhance strategic games using them as defensive shields.

Zone’s technology turns your existing laser tag interactive arena into a new and immersive laser game experience. Zone Targets are easily the most valuable addition to a competitive location.

  • Replenish Health and Power
  • Custom Game Formats
  • Base Defender
  • Attack Mode
  • Customizable colour
  • Flashlight
  • Domination Modes
  • DMX linking
  • Small player games
  • Adapting Games

Zone Targets are: Cost Effective Customizable Immersive Multi-Use Interactive

Zone Gate

Zone Laser

The Zone Gate is a multi-function arena features doorway capable of various functions depending on game settings.

It’s lit with multi-colour super-bright LED strips and incorporates speakers for that immersive interactivity that players crave. Zone Gates integrate our popular target technology, meaning players can tag and control them, which adds something special to the Zone game architecture.

  • Capture mode
    Players tag the Gate to capture it, converting it to their team’s colour. Teammates can freely pass through, but opposing teams will be tagged.
  • Random mode
    The gate changes colour randomly, allowing only the appropriate colour to pass through without being tagged.
  • Reload Bay
    The gate functions as either a random or team-specific reload bay. Players pass through to reload their power or lives.

Zone Gates let the players control the arena features

Pick-up Pad

Laser Tag Accessories

The Pick-up Pad is an illuminated power pick-up platform with a beacon light from above. Pick-up Pads are completely customisable and can be customised per game to add exactly what you want to the experience

Pick-up Pads come with special games, as well as functioning as energizers. Depending on the chosen parameters, it is possible to create various ways to operate the Pick-up Pads, changing the dynamics of how a game might be played, removing player familiarity, and adding an element of randomness to the laser tag experience.

Pick-up Pads activate when a player steps onto the unit. Depending on game settings, that player then gets to choose or purchase (using in-game currency) special powers or gear from a list displayed on their phaser. Those powers are added to a “backpack”, which the player can access and use at any time throughout the game.

Power ups, from Pick Up pads include


● Rapid Fire
● Relay Bouncer
● Retaliation
● Shields
● Stealth
● Invincibility
● Mine Shield

● Power Packs
● Nuke
● Suppressor
● Chameleon
● Sticky Bomb
● Medic Packs
● Gate Pass
● Health Packs


Find out more about power ups, and how they enhance the game

Pick-Up Pads exclusive to Zone's arena features on Helios PRO

Zone's Arena Features Vest Racks

Laser Tag Vest Rack

Zone Vest Racks have been the industry standard for years. With DMX or remote-controlled lighting, our Vest Racks are designed to WOW players as they enter the kit-up room. They’re simple to install and, with our vests, really make the room come alive. 

Zone Vest Racks are structurally designed with polycarbonate plastics for extra strength – trusted for nearly a decade in hundreds of sites worldwide.

  • Control colours by the touch of a button on the MOC application.
  • Simple yet beautiful charging solution.
  • Easy installation.
  • Structurally designed to prevent breakage.

Learn how to layout and allocate the space for your centre, to enhance both looks and critically the turnaround time!

Zone Auxiliaries add more arena features to your game

Laser Tag Arena Features - Mine


Mines emit a pulse, at random intervals, that deactivates all players nearby, but not before announcing to the world by increasingly frequent beeps and flashes that it’s about to wipe them out! 

For more advanced members games, the Mine may be captured by tagging it, and when it explodes, the player who tagged the Mine will receive the credit for all the players tagged by it.

Laser Tag Arena Features - Hal Button

Hal Button

With the single button press, the game starts, the music starts, lighting starts  everything starts. It’s that fast and that simple. Not only that, but you can stop the game clock and pause your game via the button as well. 

 Mazes are big, and by their very definition, a maze. If you require help or an emergency, it can be hard to locate a staff member or alert others that you need assistance. 

An arena features control has never been so easy.

Laser Tag Arena Features - Energizer


Many of our advanced games limit player health or shots. Energizers recharge those to a pre-configured number, depending on the game format, but only for players whose team’s colour matches the engerizer

Energizers add another level of competitive play and are essential for our competition play.

Helix Shooting Gallery
  • Super-bright LED pods and phasers.
  • Attraction mode.
  • HD touch screen controls and scores.
  • Six amazing game formats.
  • Video instructions.
  • Low price.
  • Kit set build, customize to your desire.
  • Relay output on every target, DMX controls.

Zone Arena Features Helix

Filling a Family Entertainment Centre niche, the Helix Shooting Gallery is a themed attraction, larger than an arcade machine, but fitting neatly into those hard-to-fill spaces in typical FECs. Fill unused space with this money generating attraction.

Each pod comes complete with the Helix game system, two phasers, and a coin mechanism (or touch-card system). Utilising Zone’s popular target technology, players tag targets in a themed environment, score points and compete against each other.

There are six exciting team and solo game modes, including Classic, Virus, Sharp-shooter, and Territory.

Helix Max

Zone arena features helps you: Maximize revenue Wow your players Design your center Succeed

Make your building come alive with light. Zone has partnered with the best solution companies in every field to offer premium solutions for your projects and be able to offer intense, vibrant art solutions for your projects.

Our UV solutions are available in both Wallpaper and Adhesive backed designs for interactive arena solutions and Carpet and PVC for other applications. Zones solutions come in at a fraction of the price that traditional spray and art solutions cost.

Design the arena art and theme how you want it by providing Zone with your art, and we will make it a reality. Or use one of our exquisite pre-created art designs, with customizations done to fit your interactive arena shape exactly.

We can pair this with our complimentary arena features design service to provide you with a 3d version of your arena, fully decorated before you even hit the first nail!

Don’t just stop with interactive arenas, though; Zone can offer UV solutions for your trampoline PVC, Carpet, Mini golf, bowling and more.

See our awesome UV solutions in action, along with learn about different products we offer

mini golf

Zone can take your project from start to finish, from the first sketch to the last touches, to leave you with the best solution for any idea.


DMX lighting has always been the way to light up the atmospheric experience of your game arena.

Now Zone’s O-Zone platform
removes the need for expensive lighting engineers with our built-in PLUG and PLAY technology powered by Zone Intelligent Arena Control (ZIAC).

Options are limited only by your imagination.

Zone’s immense laser tag experience is brought bare upon Arena Lighting solutions. Let us sort your arena lighting, from UV lights to arena effects, such as haze, lasers, mood lights and more. All the way to white light, and prestart/endgame effect sequences.

Zone can both provide, and install, lights, speakers, and UV systems within your laser tag maze, alongside the laser tag system. Our in-house solutions, provide the best lights available, fully programmed into our ZIAC systems to make your interactive arena blow your customers away.

Think areas of your maze changing colour as bases come under attack, the arena lighting changing depending on which team is winning, all effect lights changing to white lights at the end of the game, automated haze machines, responsive arena lighting and more. All of this and more is possible with Zone’s complete arena features products. 

Take out the guesswork, and let our experienced team of in-house designers create your dream interactive arena, complete with cable diagrams and wall layout for a stress-free installation.

Our team will match your requests and theme, to make sure you get the best interactive arena features for you. If you’re utilizing our other services, such as Lighting or UV art, you will get a complete mock-up showing them exactly how they will be installed!


A successful laser tag attraction starts with your centre design, and consideration for all of your market opportunities, along with a strategic focus on long term playability and repeat appeal.

It doesn’t stop there though, to make a successful centre, the whole building must be aligned, themed and well laid out to best optimize the facilities. Here are some thing’s we’ve learnt about the way to layout your centre!


We can't wait to meet you

Start your exciting journey into entertainment today, with Zone as your partner.
We can’t wait to welcome you into our family of more than 1000 operators


Zone Laser Tag, focusing on: Innovation Support Experience Operators Reliability Simplicity Development Experiences Enjoyment Longevity Customers Replayabilty

Are you ready to find out more? Reach out, let’s talk.

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