Start a relationship with the most advanced most innovative world's oldest best largest laser tag family ...
Let’s talk about some of the ways this isn’t a ‘sale’, it’s a ‘relationship’.
Support and Enhancement for your Laser Tag Centre
Getting you up and running
We’ll support you every step of the way; through pre-installation, installation, post-installation, training, opening, and business-as-usual. You’ll have a dedicated assigned contact who will work with you (over the phone and on-site) to get you set up properly! We’ll ensure this process is pain free and that your laser tag centre opens on time with the system fully up and running.
Key ongoing support elements
Providing our operators with world-class support and helping them to provide a world class laser tag site is important to us.
The longest warranty in the game – with warranty periods up to three-years for key equipment elements.
Software updates (critical updates and well as new functionality, refinements and improvements).
Access to the Zone Support Portal and around-the-clock, seven-days-a-week, worldwide, Zone Support Line.
Access to special pricing on consumables, spare parts, and labour costs and services.
Access to the Zone Operator Kit with 2000+ files and more being added every day. It’s everything you could need.
Priority document translation into your native language.
Invitations to Zone conferences, Zone Laser Tag World Championships, and other events.
Annual Reviews, to make sure that everything is working just right for you. Along with the ability anytime for advise!
Zone annual reviews
Our relationships with our operators are not ‘set and forget’. They change and adapt over time to ensure our operators are always happy, up-to-date, and running successfully.
We ensure we meet with each of our operators on an annual basis – almost always in person! With Zone laser tag centres in 58 countries, that’s a lot of travel that our global teams clock up each year.
Zone operator conventions
You could look at other laser tag sites as competitors.
We don’t like that. Instead, we suggest you consider them cousins in the global world of Zone laser tag – cousins that you have a lot in common with, that you can learn from, help, and be helped by!
To foster this cooperation and support network, we host regular (every year or two) operator conventions in different places around the world. It’s a really good way for all of us to get together and learn from each other.
Zone Laser Tag leads the industry in educating both new and current operators. Our staff have spent thousands of hours working events, planning, marketing, and operating laser tag attractions at every level, along with countless hours actually creating and inventing new laser tag equipment.
Zone Laser Tag World Championships
The regular Zone Laser Tag World Championships are the premier global laser tag event!
In 2017, it was held in Belfort, France, and was absolutely amazing. Teams from over 30 countries competed for the 2017 crown with a team from Finland taking the title.
These events are a “can’t miss” in the world of laser tag. We’d love to welcome you to them! The “Worlds” are held every 3 years. Unfortunately, just like other major sporting events that year, the Malaysian event, scheduled to be held in Kuala Lumpur in 2020, had to be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances. But, when it eventually gets rescheduled and held, it is expected to be even bigger and better!
Zone Operator Kit
Any laser tag provider can give you a few out-of-date documents and call it adequate. At Zone, we want to ensure that our operators around the world have all the information and documentation they could possibly need to help them make their laser tag business a success. We’ve currently got over 2000 documents and images in our Zone Operator Kit – and we’re adding new content and new translations every day.
Enhancement Pathways
To keep our laser tag centres in top shape, we regularly update our software for existing operators, and make as many of our new features as possible backwards compatible.
We also offer considerable discounts on newly released systems if you’re already part of the Zone family.
Therefore, when you decide to upgrade your gear after years of enjoyment, it doesn’t set you back on your path to success.
Parts Inventory
We know our replacement parts and modular vest design makes keeping your vests in top shape a breeze. Our Support and Enhancement program makes things even easier. We keep large quantities of spares in each of our operating regions, meaning we can get spare parts to operators in a flash.
We provide a full start-up kit , complete with manuals and all the spare parts you may need. With systems that make it easy to keep your parts inventory current, and accurate, it’s even easier to keep your equipment well-maintained and minimize downtime.
Knowledge Base
To keep our laser tag centres operating efficiently, we’ve compiled a large online support database, that goes into the ins and outs of all of our products.
Here you can see videos of operational practices, repairs and more. Alongside guides to make sure you get the most out of your system.
Starting your own centre may seem daunting. Zone is happy to assist you with each step. We provide packages based on our extensive experience and up to date information from around the world. Initially, we’ll ask you some general questions to get an understanding of your unique needs. We’ll then provide you with relevant package lists containing system information and pricing.
System Trade in
If you already have a Laser Tag System and it is getting on in years, isn’t performing as you had hoped, has too much downtime and many breakages, or a combination of these, then that’s not good.
But don’t let that bring your centre down. Join the Zone family. We’d love to have you. To make it as easy as possible, we have trade in discounts and will provide assistance to re-brand your centre.
No matter how old your gear is, we will sort something out that leaves you happy, and us with a new member of our family.
We can't wait to meet you
Start your exciting journey into entertainment today, with Zone as your partner.
We can’t wait to welcome you into our family of more than 1000 operators