— Learn from our history information of success
We’ve opened up our marketing database and knowledge base, giving all of our zone operators access to thousands of downloads such as photos, videos, brochures, manuals, and posters. We will pursue any opportunity to cut costs while increasing revenue. We’ve even produced albums of music that comes pre-installed. All this is at no extra cost to you. It’s just another way we go the extra mile for our operators.
We’ve built our knowledge base from over 30+ years of lessons, changes, and development. We constantly update, revise and improve upon what we provide. As an operator, all of this can be accessed from our global support back-end access, along with our advanced reporting tools for your own site and more.
In our knowledge base, you will find resources on a range of topics such as how to market your centre, staff training, arena layouts, operational details, how to maintain your equipment, pre-checks and handy tips. Zone’s database will give you the head-start you need to jump straight into success.
Download Zones Product Portfolio of Information
See what’s new, and all the fantastic products Zone has to offer!
Starting any business from scratch, particularly a laser tag center, can seem like a daunting prospect.
We’re sure you’ve got thousands of questions! Let us try and answer some for you through our downloads resources!
Zone Laser Tag leads the industry in educating both new and current operators. Our staff have spent thousands of hours working events, planning, marketing, and operating laser tag attractions at every level, along with countless hours actually creating and inventing new laser tag equipment. This page highlights only a sample of the information from our downloads resources available to our operators.
Getting Started with Laser Tag Information
The first and most important decision facing a future laser tag.
Entrepreneur is location. Even though every city and country has its own unique characteristics, there are a number of common considerations that can point you in the direction of success.
Here we discuss:
- Population Considerations
- Surrounding areas effects
- What type of building you should look for
A successful laser tag attraction starts with your centre design, and a consideration for your market opportunities, along with a strategic focus on long term playability and repeat appeal.
Here we discuss some information:
- Components of information needed for a centre
- How much space you need
- The good the bad and the Ugly of centre layouts
The design of the Laser Tag Arena and centre, are where a lot of the secrets for success with laser tag are made or broken.
Here we discuss:
- Arena Interactivity Information
- Effects, Lighting and Haze
- What else past the Arena you need
- What should you look for in your equipment
The key to a successful operation is diversification. This can be on a large scale such as establishing an FEC, or if you don’t have the space, can be done with smaller strokes by adding arcades, an
escape room, or other upsell opportunities!
Here we discuss some information:
- How to get guests to stay longer
- How to widen your market reach
- Some other great attractions to go alongside your Laser tag
When you are looking at purchasing a laser tag attraction, it is important to have a realistic expectation of how much revenue you can expect to generate annually, especially if you are planning on obtaining a small business loan from the bank.
Here we discuss:
- How-to calculate potential revenue
- Realistic expectations of capacity
In an increasingly more is more world, shopping centre groups are realising the necessity in developing centres that provide more than just a shopping experience. We see developers and centre owners continue to innovate, reinventing the shopping centre format.
Here we discuss how adding Entertainment to a Shopping centre:
- Improves Customer Experience
- Increases Dwell Time
- Brings more customers to the centre
Increasing your information success
Today’s customers expect more than they historically have from the entertainment market. They want each experience to be unique and memorable, and they won’t be happy returning to play the same game repeatedly.
Here we discuss:
- How to brief your guests
- Game play
- How long to set your games too
Without integrated software, and optimized attraction controls, you’re going to spend more on staff than you should, have slower turnovers between sessions, and worst of all, miss potential customers!
Here we discuss:
- Booking Systems
- Automation
From a business perspective, membership is a valuable and free vehicle for marketing, reducing the need to constantly seek new customers by enabling you easy access to your existing customer base.
Here we discuss:
- Membership for everyone
- Membership for Laser Tag
- Recurring Membership revenue model
Zone provides high production value briefing videos for all our systems, with customized content depending on which features are in your arena!
These videos are available in 12 different languages, just like our systems! With sub-titles available to make them even more accessible!
We’ve written lots of operational documents, to make running your centre a breeze! Here’s an example of our briefing script, for those not wanting to use a full briefing video.
Operators know that music is essential to a fun and exciting atmosphere. But music license costs can be an issue.
We’ve developed multiple soundtracks of custom-designed Zone Arena Music, available to our operators, royalty-free. These soundtracks can be used before, during, and after games. There’s a great range of music to keep your laser tag arena and your overall site upbeat and lively.
Our O-Zone control software not only operates your laser tag, but it can also manage and adjust the music in real-time, with automatic cross-fading to make transitions smooth, the ability to match playlists to game modes or select playlists to suit the group.
A successful laser tag attraction starts with your centre design, and consideration for all your market opportunities, along with a strategic focus on long-term playability and repeat appeal.
It doesn’t stop there though. To make a successful centre, the whole building must be aligned, themed and well set out to best optimize the facilities. Here are some thing’s we’ve learnt about the way to layout your centre!
We can't wait to meet you
Start your exciting journey into entertainment today, with Zone as your partner.
We can’t wait to welcome you into our family of more than 1000 operators